Pillars of Design — Aidn, winner of the 2024 IxDA Awards — Panel discussion on ResearchOps. Tuesday 20 August 2024 from 17:00 at MESH Youngstorget

Pillars of design

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This event has ended. A big thank you to the 160+ people who joined us in person, and to those who watched the livestream from all over the world, including South Africa, and Sri Lanka!

Great digital products run on great design research. But how do you do this well, when product teams are in a hurry?

We've invited a panel of discovery pros to share today's state of the art. And we've asked IxDA Prize winner Aidn to take us through how they turn product discovery into deliveries and impacts.

Panel: Just enough research vs ResearchOps

Scaling & supporting design research in organizations

Deeply understanding what users wants can take time that your product team simply does not have. How do we adapt? Do we opt for "good enough" research, relying on intuition and gaining first-hand experience? Or do we move product discovery out of individual teams, and into a system that teams can pull insights out of?

Are these approaches at odds with each other? Or can they be used in tandem to bring useful insights to product teams with limited time and budget? Our expert panel will discuss when guerrilla research techniques work best, when you need to build a research repository, and what they do in all the cases in between.

Talk: Transforming the municipal health care sector in Norway

People in Norway are living longer. As in many countries, the elderly part of the population is growing rapidly, and the aren't enough workers in the healthcare sector to look after them.

To make matters worse, the sector struggles under a tech burden of outdated products and a lack of information sharing between different parts of the healthcare system.

Healthcare workers spend too much of their workday documenting their tasks, and looking for information. Meanwhile, citizens must share their health details with doctors and nurses over and over.

Aidn aims to give everyone a sense of control and free up time for healthcare personnel to focus on what really matters — taking care of patients.

From the very beginning, Aidn has taken a design-driven approach and has made significant investments in design as a key differentiator in this market.

Key to Aidn's efforts is using design as a competitive advantage, a major shift in this sector. Every product team is structured to drive real impact for the healthcare system, by measuring and reducing time spent, while improving patient safety and treatment quality.

About the speakers

Portrait photo of India Anderson
India Anderson
Product designer and researcher at Ardoq
Portrait photo of Sonja Sarah Porter
Sonja Sarah Porter
Designer at Autodesk Forma
Photo of Kim Feenstra Kuiper
Kim Feenstra Kuiper
Staff UX researcher
Portrait photo of Simen Strøm Braaten
Simen Strøm Braaten
UX Designer at Variant Oslo
Portrait photo of Fonda LaShay
Fonda LaShay
Director of Design at Aidn
Portrait photo of Silje Sahlén
Silje Sahlén
UX Researcher at Aidn
Photo of Henrik Fjeldberg
Henrik Fjeldberg
Digital Director at Heydays